Friday, September 4, 2020

Strategy in Action Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Procedure in real life - Assignment Example (, 2011) Organizational culture is the assortment of qualities and standards that are shared by people in an association that influence collaboration inside and outside the association. It is a significant apparatus as it brings workers towards a shared objective by creating fondness and gives driving force to development. A sound culture advances self completion and accomplishment in representatives. Open correspondence and adaptability inside the association give grounds to development and experimentation. Helpful societies are enabling and lead to exceptionally energetic representatives, collaboration and development. (, 2009) The hierarchical culture of Lionsgate is impacted by its beginning as an autonomous film studio which has formed into a significant studio with worldwide nearness. Along these lines the way of life mirrors the innovative activity that free studios brag of. Lionsgate joins adaptability with the key administration of a significant studio with the client focal point of a computerized organization. A discourse by Lionsgate’s co-COO, Jo Drake mirrors the authoritative culture of facing challenges in media and motion pictures, of taking a gander at changes in the commercial center as difficulties, and the attention on business enterprise and advancement. (, 2010) Curt Marvis, of Lionsgate, clarifies Lionsgate corporate culture of getting representatives included. As indicated by him, on the off chance that one individual can carry out the responsibility rather than ten, at that point Lionsgate will concentrate on doing as such, and workers will be engaged with various things that they can deal with. This shows the way of life centers around representative contribution and proprietorship; anyway the reality the Lionsgate has gained different media organizations over the world outcomes in the feeling that the hierarchical culture may fluctuate along the obtained organizations and might be not as instilled as liked. In case of mergers and acquisitions, it requires times and exertion, numerous multiple times fruitless to build up the organization culture of the parent organization in the obtained organizations. (, 2009) Challenges confronting the Media and Broadcasting industry The Media and telecom organization is confronting significant difficulties later on. The greatest test is the changing commercial center which has changed the manner in which substance is conveyed to clients. The fame of advanced conveyance presents dangers for media and telecom organizations as clients can get to media effectively and inexpensively on the web. The business needs to create and ace advanced conveyance of TV programs, news, motion pictures and music so as to snatch the market on the web and still hold benefits (, 2011). Another test is the expansion in rivalry because of the bounty of autonomous film making and the springing up of new contenders, clients have more noteworthy decision because of the web and organizations must be on their toes to look after execution. The media business has seen an expanding pattern in takeovers, acquisitions and mergers and along these lines execution and investor esteem should be kept up to shield the organization from acquisitions. The media business faces advertise immersion not just due to the expanding number of contenders yet the expanding number of contenders worldwide and in various arrangements. News organizations, motion pictures and TV all face dangers from online contenders too and need to keep up a significant online nearness. This has brought about expense and edge troubles, changing examples of buyer conduct and the need to give

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Pesticides Effects Essay Example For Students

3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Joan Didions Essay Los Angeles Notebook -- Didion Los Angeles Noteboo

Joan Didion's Essay Los Angeles Notebook      The Santa Ana winds cause individuals to act all the more brutally or uncontrollable and makes others fractious and despondent all things considered. Joan Didion discloses to the peruser about how the Santa Ana influences human conduct in her exposition â€Å"Los Angeles Notebook.† Through the utilization of symbolism, lingual authority, and determination of detail Didion communicates her perspective on the Santa Ana winds.      Didion paints uncomfortable and grave pictures while portraying the Santa Ana winds. â€Å"There is something uncomfortable in the Los Angeles air†¦ some unnatural quietness, some tension,† beginnings the exposition off with the picture of Los Angeles individuals it might be said of tranquility or tense. She further includes, â€Å"Blowing up dust storms out along Route 66†¦ we will see smoke back in the gorge, and hear alarms in the night,† spreading the uncomfortable and obvious picture of Los Angeles. â€Å"The infant worries. The house cleaner sulks,† she includes, giving a discouraging perspective into the impacts of the Santa Ana twists on individuals. Didion, trying to show the insanity related with the Santa Ana twists, calls attention to the Indians who devote themselves completely to the ocean when awful breezes came. At any rate, Didion endeavors to show the negative impacts of the Santa Ana twists through pictures of tranquili ty, disquiet, and restraint.      In her tone, Didion stays clear, predictable, and distinctive. Her selection of words stays straightforward as though to not distance the perusers of her paper. Her tone for the principal half of the opening, fundamentally the first and second ...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Child Abuse Essay

In the event that you were put in a position were your life was placed into potential harm would you hazard getting away? This inquiry was posed by Jaycee Dugard ordinarily during her multi year being held hostage. In her journal A Stolen Life, Jaycee Dugard discloses to us why she didn’t attempt to run from her abductor Philip Garrido despite the fact that she was given such a significant number of opportunities to do as such. By and large it is exceptionally hard for casualties to get away from their abusers control. In the past it was close to outlandish for survivors of snatching to escape securely all alone. With the acknowledgment that â€Å"We have seen a significent increment in the quantity of through the methods for outsiders, family or friends† (Amber Alert 1). It has been simpler to help youngster kidnapping casualties with frameworks like the Amber Alert framework, yet it is as yet hard for the casualties to leave all alone. Misuse casualties alongside Duga rd likewise battle with picking up the solidarity to leave. A long time after Dugard was protected she says â€Å"You must discover your voice and not be reluctant to talk up† (Dugard 148). Something she laments doing while at the same time being held hostage. At long last the case that survivors of misuse should assume greater liability to escaoe their abusers control ought to be difficulties on account of the trouble to get away from their abusers control and to pick up the solidarity to leave. Not exclusively do youngster casualties of misuse manage the control of their abuser, however numerous grown-ups manage a similar issue. Numerous ladies manage the test of leaving their harsh accomplice, however come up short in light of the accomplice control and force they have over their casualties. Numerous ladies think that its troublesome on the grounds that they remain sincerely and monetarily reliant on their batterer (Domestic Violence 1). In most conjugal circumstances their is a pattern of misuse and the family’s life turns into a pattern of viciousness. â€Å"The man who was unnerving and threatening transforms into a repentant, penniless, and subordinate man. The lady who was battered at that point will feel frustrated about t he man and commit once again to him in a fantasized trust that the maltreatment won’t happen once more. In any case, the pattern of misuse will start once more, frequently turning out to be worse† (Domestic Violence 2). So as to get away from this maltreatment the cycle must be broken. As per Blich, â€Å"Stranger hijacking deceives more females then guys, happens fundamentally at outside areas, defrauds the two youngsters and young kids, is related with rapes on account of young lady victims† (Blich 1). In the wake of being stole youngsters are generally conditioned and controlled, picking up the abductor significantly more control. This is the thing that occurred in Dugards circumstance. Philip Garrido, Dugardsâ abductor, disclosed to her that he was harming her so he wouldn’t need to hurt other young ladies, along these lines causing Dugard to feel that on the off chance that she tried to leave it would be her shortcoming for the agony he caused others (Dugard 158). In doing so Garrido dealt with Dugard. Anyway solid you are most can concur that it is hard to le ave someone you are reliant on, yet it is vital on the off chance that you need to go on cheerfully. In this way the case that misuse casualties should assume greater liability to get away from their control is hard for anybody. Many will contend that individuals who are mishandled should assume greater liability to escape from their abuser. In certain circumstances outcasts will contend that we ought to outmaneuver our abuser and gain from it making us more grounded to leave. As indicated by The Washington Post, â€Å"They got away from these things not through the endeavors of good samaritans, yet through perceiving a terrible circumstance and either escaping from it, maintaining a strategic distance from it or shouting and kicking to draw attention† (St. George 1). This demonstrates kids are competent not mindful. Another contention is that the youngster who is being kidnapped ought to have the option to support themselves and departure the circumstance. â€Å"The kid ought to do whatever is important to avoid the vehicle, on the grounds that once the kid is in that vehicle, it drastically diminishes the odds of escape† (St. George 2). This is a ton of obligation put onto a small kid. How would we expect a multi year-old young lady to get away from a potential abuser if numerous multi year-elderly people ladies cannot leave an abuser they have been with for quite a long time. During Dugard’s multi year kidnapping a few visuals were taken to show the agony of her friends and family. It very well may be demonstrated that many were worried about her snatching. In the visual â€Å"Missing† distributed in The Telegraph (2009). We are indicated both Dugards mother, Terry Probyn, and step-father, Carl Probyn, they look sorrowful and troubled. Some would contend that with the amount Jaycee Dugard realized she was adored, she ought to of increased enough quality and inspiration to get away and return to carrying on with her regular daily existence. Anyway she was ignorant of this while being held hostage. The contention that in household misuse choices are accessible to leave or accessible to urge casualties t o leave is valid, yet troublesome. Casualties have the choice of expert assistance and picking up familiarity with the circumstance. With the pattern of misuse it is difficult to arrive at the fact of the matter were you comprehend you need the assistance, at that point there is the battle of really feeling free to do it. Notwithstanding the few contentions that individuals can challenge we have confirmation from specificâ situations like Dugard’s alongside increasingly basic issue like conjugal question that without discovering generally speaking quality and picking up the fearlessness to get away from the abuser control it is difficult to get away and return to your ordinary life. Picking up quality is one of the most troublesome activities throughout everyday life. One way we gain quality is having backing and joy. How would we gain quality on the off chance that we don’t have either? This faces a huge number of individuals day by day who are in damaging connections. They essentially cant discover th e solidarity to leave. In Dugards diary she says despite the fact that she is despondent she is excessively scared of the danger of leaving and doesn’t know how she would have the option to deal with herself and her two little girls. â€Å"One of the reasons I stayed was I needed my children to be protected. The outside was unnerving for me. I was hesitant to the point that on the off chance that I left or attempted to leave and take them both with me I wouldn’t have the option to ensure them† (Dugard 276). Indeed, even her knowing the way that if she somehow happened to escape effectively her little girls could have a greatly improved life, yet on the off chance that they weren’t fruitful they would need to keep living secluded from everything in the lawn of Garrido’s home. She didn’t have enough solidarity to face the challenge despite the fact that the effective final products were so much better then her present circumstance. In misuse circumstances casualties battle with a similar issue of solidarity. In the middle of the pattern of maltreatment there is just a little hole between the man being savage and the ladies feeling repentant and excusing him. Where picking up the q uality in the middle of that little hole is troublesome particularly when it would should be recovered whenever the maltreatment restarts. Ladies additionally have different alternatives. Most ladies have a steady family or homes they can go to be careful. Be that as it may, quality is vital and hard to get when one is continually cutting you down. Albeit more choices are accessible to leave, as hot-line cards in restrooms for misuse casualties or Dugard being taken into open with the choice to run, we need solidarity to take them. Quality is a need to leave making the case that misuse casualties are liable for leaving their abuser hard to demonstrate. Taking everything into account finding the boldness to leave an abuser is a unimaginable test to those put in that position. Without finding the quality and getting away from the mind-boggling control of the abuser its close to unimaginable. Over the long haul there turns out to be more alternatives for maltreatment to occur or prompt maltreatment. â€Å"One in five youngsters ten to seventeen get undesirable sexual requesting online† (Blich 1), which can prompt a progressively genuine maltreatment. Regardless of how unique the situationsâ are the maltreatment casualties endure they can relate back to similar battles. As indicated by Jayvee Dugard after her drawn out maltreatment she alludes to life today as â€Å"A light that I thought had been quenched was returning to life† (Dugard 238). While in the situation of misuse its hard to track down the quality, yet it tends to be picked up once more. The trouble of getting away from the abuser will likewise be troublesome. It will stay troublesome while recuperating from the maltreatment. The case that individuals should assume greater liability to get away from their abusers? Bogus.

John Kerry on Syria Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

John Kerry on Syria - Assignment Example So what do we realize that can’t talk about publically? We realize that the Assad system has the biggest compound program in the whole Middle East. We realize that the system has utilized those weapons on various occasions this year† Before the announcement set apart in striking, Kerry says that a portion of the data the legislature have can't be presented to the overall population, yet he feels free to introduce a similar data to the overall population. This makes the primary proclamation for the most part invalid. â€Å"..instead for four days, they shelled the area so as to annihilate the proof, assaulting a great many squares at a rate multiple times higher than they had over the past ten days†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦in these things that I have recorded, in these things that we know, every one of them, the American Intelligence Community has high certainty, this is presence of mind, this is proof, these are facts†¦.† John Kerry affirms that the US government knowledge didn't figure out how to accumulate proof with respect to Assad’s assault on neighboring contradicting networks attributable to the way that Assad’s military crushed all the proof. In any case, he feels free to contend that the data the US government have are presence of mind, in this way

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Essay Prompts - How To Find Them

Essay Prompts - How To Find ThemEssay prompts for college are like the quills that hold your paper together. The essay prompts are the few elements that come together in the composition of your essay to help you focus your ideas and write concisely. Choosing a prompt is an important part of how well your essay will turn out. Using a prompt can mean the difference between an unfocused piece of work or a well-written, well-crafted essay.A basic essay prompt can be found on every college's website and can be a good place to start. They usually outline the subject of the essay and will provide sample paragraphs to give you an idea of how your writing may turn out. Typically they will also have resources for additional information and possibly samples of some kind. Some of these sites even offer practice papers, essays and other helpful writing tools.The way you use a prompt is up to you, but there are several things you should look for. The first thing to consider is whether it sounds li ke a blank slate. If the idea of the prompt looks like it can be achieved with a little work, and if it is interesting enough to you to follow through with, then you are more likely to find something to add to your own style and personality.Most college and university websites that display essay prompts are easy to understand and will present you with a few options. This may be a basic essay prompt that includes a paragraph or two about why you want to write your essay. If your editor makes no mention of the purpose of your essay, then you may want to move on to another essay prompt. They are not the only resource that you should choose from, but you should be able to locate some good ones.In addition to reading the prompts, you should make sure to read the essay prompts samples they supply. This gives you a clear idea of what you should expect when you go through the pieces of paper. If you find one that does not match your expectations, you may want to move on to another. They can be confusing at times, but they can also be a great resource for helping you learn how to use a prompt in the most effective way possible.There are several different types of essay prompts, and some of them can be accessed individually. Some provide multiple choices that may be followed by a table of contents, or an outline. Others include several examples that you may type in, or have sample sentences to provide. It all depends on how well you know your topic and how much work you are willing to put into your essay.Essay prompts samples are useful to you, but don't discount their use. You may find that they provide you with the opportunity to try out new ways of writing and help you get ready for the next essay prompt that you will encounter. Each of these prompts will provide you with a different way to write and it may be worth it to you to try different things out. Be sure to check out your college's website for samples and tips on how to write your own essay prompt.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

2013-2014 Common Application Essay Questions

The Common Application Announces 2013-2014 Essay Prompts, Longer Word Limit Today the Common Application released the essay prompts for the 2013-2014 application, along with news that they will enforce a strict 650 word limit, an increase of 150 words from the previous 500 word limit. There has been controversy surrounding the Common Application's new essay prompts since it was announced they were eliminating the "topic of your choice" essay option. According to the organization, the development of the prompts and the word limit came after much consideration from the counselors on the Outreach Advisory Committee. The Common App also clarified on its Facebook page that the short answer activity essay will not be part of the main application in 2013-2014. Schools will instead choose whether or not to ask a version of it on their supplements. Below are the instructions and the new essay prompts for the 2013-14 Common Application, set to be released in August. Instructions. The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don't feel obligated to do so. (The application won't accept a response shorter than 250 words.) "Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story." "Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn?" "Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?" "Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?" "Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family." What do you think of the new essay prompts? Do you think there should still be a "topic of choice?" Tell us in the comments!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ares The Greek God of War and Violence

Ares is a war god and god of violence in Greek mythology. He was not well-liked or trusted by the ancient Greeks and there are few tales in which he plays a major role. Cults of Ares are found mainly in Crete and the Peloponnese where the militaristic Spartans honored him. Athena is also a war goddess, but was well-respected, as a polis protector and goddess of strategy instead of Ares forte, mayhem, and destruction. Ares appears in what one might call bit parts, overshadowed by heroes or other gods, and in many battle scenes in Greek mythology. In the Iliad, Ares is wounded, treated, and returns to the fray. The Family of Ares Thracian-born Ares is usually counted the son of Zeus and Hera, although Ovid has Hera produce him parthenogenically (like Hephaestus). Harmonia (whose necklace turns up in stories of Cadmus and the founding of Thebes), the goddess of harmony, and the Amazons Penthesilea and Hippolyte were daughters of Ares. Through Cadmus marriage to Harmonia and the dragon Ares sired that produced the sown men (Spartoi), Ares is the mythological ancestor of the Thebans. Mates and Children of Ares Famous People in the House of Thebes: CadmusOedipusDionysusPentheus Roman Equivalent Ares was called Mars by the Romans, although the Roman god Mars was much more important to the Romans than Ares was to the Greeks. Attributes Ares has no unique attributes but is described as strong, harnessed in bronze, and golden helmeted. He rides a war chariot. The serpent, owls, vultures, and woodpecker are sacred to him. Ares had unsavory companions like Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror), Eris (Strife) and Enyo (Horror). Early depictions show him as a mature, bearded man. Later representations show him as a youth or ephebe (like Apollo). Ares is a god of warfare and murder. Some Myths Involving Ares Adonis:  Ares rather than Artemis is sometimes said to have been responsible for the death of Adonis. He either sent a boar or was himself one. [Source: Carlos Parada]Aphrodite and Ares:  One of the most famous stories involving Ares is his being caught in flagrante delicto with Aphrodite. Although the lovers were caught in a net in a compromising position, the gods watching envied Ares.Ares and the Giants:  Ephialtes and Otos, sons of the Giant Aloeus, put Ares in chains and into a cauldron where he was stuck until Hermes rescued him. In the war against the giants, Ares slew the giant Mimas (Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3. 1227 ff)Cadmus and the founding of Thebes:  Cadmus slew the dragon of Ares and, on the advice of Athena, planted its teeth. From the sown teeth armed men sprang up ready to fight. All were killed but five who were known as the sown men or Spartoi. Apollodorus says Cadmus served as a laborer for Ares for a year as atonement for the killing. Halirrhothios Murdered by AresDionysus and the Return of Hephaestus (The Failure of Ares) Homeric Hymn to Ares: The Homeric Hymn to Ares reveals the attributes (strong, chariot-riding, goldern-helmeted, shield-bearer, etc.) and powers (savior of cities) attributed by the Greeks to Ares. The hymn also places Mars among the planets. The following translation, by Evelyn-White, is in the public domain. VIII. To Ares(17 lines)(ll. 1-17) Ares, exceeding in strength, chariot-rider, golden-helmed, doughty in heart, shield-bearer, Saviour of cities, harnessed in bronze, strong of arm, unwearying, mighty with the spear, O defence of Olympus, father of warlike Victory, ally of Themis, stern governor of the rebellious, leader of righteous men, sceptred King of manliness, who whirl your fiery sphere among the planets in their sevenfold courses through the aether wherein your blazing steeds ever bear you above the third firmament of heaven; hear me, helper of men, giver of dauntless youth! Shed down a kindly ray from above upon my life, and strength of war, that I may be able to drive away bitter cowardice from my head and crush down the deceitful impulses of my soul. Restrain also the keen fury of my heart which provokes me to tread the ways of blood-curdling strife. Rather, O blessed one, give you me boldness to abide within the harmless laws of peace, avoiding strife and hatred and the vi olent fiends of death.Homeric Hymn to Ares Sources: Ancient sources  for Ares include Apollodorus, Apollonius Rhodius, Callimachus, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Diodorus Siculus, Euripides, Hesiod, Homer, Hyginus, Nonnius, Ovid, Pausanias, Plutarch, Vergil, Statius, and Strabo.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Hippa Violation - 1569 Words

HIPPA Violation Sarah Joss Rasmussen College Author Note This research paper is being submitted on March 3th, 2013, for Milo Sampson’s M230/HSC2641 Section 04 - Medical Law and Ethics class. HIPPA Violation – Privacy Rule Thesis: Preventing violations of the HIPAA Privacy Rule greatly impacts any health care professional, specifically patient information as it relates to a pharmacy and its entire staff. Ever wonder what the acronym HIPAA stands for, how it relates to health care professionals, as well as you, the patient? Violations of the HIPAA Privacy rule greatly impacts health care professionals, specifically those working in a pharmacy, such as pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Let’s read further to learn more about†¦show more content†¦Consider the following scenario; Mary, a pharmacy technician working in a small community pharmacy, is on the phone in the prescription department joking with a friend about a patient named Jack, a 76-year old family friend who had just been prescribed Viagra. Jack’s neighbor and close friend overheard the technician’s conversation and became highly offended. She plans on telling Jack what she heard as soon as she gets h ome. Ask yourself this questions †¦ â€Å"has Mary, the pharmacy technician, just violated the HIPAA privacy rule? The answer is of course â€Å"yes†! Mary has violated a patient’s privacy by discussing health matters with someone who is not a health care worker and within earshot of other patients. (HIPPA for Pharmacy Staff) As stated before, protecting patients’ privacy must be part of the day-to-day work of the pharmacy dispensing staff as well as all employees who have access to patient information to protect against improper disclosure. Discussions about patient care and any personal medical information needs to be kept private to reduce the likelihood that those who do not need to know will overhear. Many times legal cases may occur involving violations of the HIPPA Privacy Rule. One such case is that involving the Rite Aid Pharmacy Corporation, which was cited for violationShow MoreRelatedHIPPA Violations Essay1174 Words   |  5 Pages health care facilities. There are many ways confidential information gets into the wrong hands and this paper explores some of those ways and how that can be prevented. When confidential patient information is disclosed without consent it is a violation of the HIPAA Title II Security Rule. 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The Privacy Rule major objective is to ensure that the health information of an individual is properly protectedRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Of 19961022 Words   |  5 PagesHIPPA Compliance Administrators that practice in a healthcare setting are used to the turbulence and at times rapid change in healthcare. They find themselves in the private, public, or non-profit sectors of health care, managed care arrangements, integrated service networks, or community agencies. To be an effective manager, it is important to understand the legal and ethical principles that are included in this environment and the legal relationship between consumer and the organization. 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In hindsight, photos should have never been taken which violates patients’ rights. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, â€Å"The HIPPA Priv acy Rule provides protections for individually identifiable health information held by coveredRead MoreAdministrative Ethics1083 Words   |  5 Pagesmedical issues kept private from people that do not need to know the information. The federal government has created the HIPPA policy to help medical organizations understand and follow rules to protect the privacy of the patients that come to the organization. It is important for the organization to make sure that all members of the staff are trained and follow the policies of HIPPA. In some cases organizations may have ethical issues arise involving a patient’s privacy and the confidential informationRead MoreHIPPA: Keeping Patient ´s Privacy Essay586 Words   |  3 Pages HIPPA is a rule that helps protects a patient’s privacy when it comes to their health or medical information. It is also known as a security rule that helps in protecting electronic health information as well. As in the health care patient safety and confidentiality is an important rule to follow at all times. A standard of HIPPA is privacy. When it comes to privacy it is meant by protecting a patient’s medical information in any form needs to be controlled at all times. It is a rule that is balanced

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Global Value Chain Management - 1307 Words

Technology in Business  « Do you adapt or redesign your business model for the Internet?If you don’t want your unprofitable customers someone else will  » ECCO A/S – Global value chain management case study Wednesday, August 31st, 2011 at 8:27 am My operations management coursework was based on the ECCO A/S – Global Value Chain Management case study which is an interesting paper on ECCO A/S (ECCO) who have been very successful in the footwear industry by focusing on production technology and assuring quality by maintaining full control of the entire value chain from â€Å"cow to shoe.†. ECCO follow a differentiation business strategy producing the highest quality shoes and they use their operations as one of their main points of†¦show more content†¦If operations were outsourced, they would not be able to oversee all aspects of production and insure that quality was high. Vertical Value Chain Benefits Hosting your own in-house vertical value chain has many benefits for a business like ECCO. ECCO s many facilities in different countries can take advantage of local resources and expertise in different areas like the leather research center in Denmark. Another benefit is being able to oversee operations and produce products faster. Inventory can be controlled efficiently, meaning that ECCO can wait longer to produce items to match market mean due to how long it would take to place an order with an outsourced manufacturer and to receive that order to deliver to customers. Vertical Value Chain Cons The main negative for ECCO in having an integrated vertical value chain is increased costs over competitors. For most shoe companies, the cheapest option is to outsource manufacturing, which is what most of ECCO s competitors have done. Another con of keeping production within the company is that when no competition is present, often production is slow and inefficient. Managing the cons is vital for ECCO, which they have been able to do. Economic Strategic Factors Considered with Integrated Value Chain Economic factors that are faced with an integrated value chain include high labor costs. If producing your ownShow MoreRelatedThe Global Value Chain Management803 Words   |  3 PagesThe emergence of global value chains has been one of the most important paths to economic growth in the age of globalization. A global value chain typically focuses on building efficiencies for business on the inbound and outbound logistics component of the value chain, where the process of producing a good has been divided into multiple components. 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Asimov On Chemistry Essay Research Paper Asimov free essay sample

Asimov On Chemistry Essay, Research Paper Asimov on ChemistryThe Book Asimov on Chemistry by Isaac Asimov is a aggregation ofseventeen essays that he wrote for The Magazine of Fantasy and ScienceFiction. This book is one of 10 that were published by Doubleday A ; Company, Inc. Not all of the books centered on chemical science and like scientific discipline. Most justcovered anything Isaac Asimov wondered approximately. These Essaies day of the month back quiteaways with a scope from January 1959 to April 1966. INORGANIC CHEMISTRYThe Weighting Game This I found to be the most deadening in the whole book. It coverschemical atomic weight and physical atomic weight. It besides gives chemicalmethods that determine the atomic weight. Decelerate burnThis is a description of how Isaac newton contributed to the field ofchemistry along with what civilisations thought of chemical science. Then he talksabout a pathologically diffident, absentminded, stuffy, women-hating chemist. Thisman did do some finds about inflammable gas and prove n H2O to be anoxide. The Element of PerfectionAsimov negotiations about uranologists in the mid 1800 # 8217 ; s, and how they madethe spectroscope. Merely so does he get down to advert a component a frenchchemist belived to be new or possibly merely a heavier from of N. Inertgases and there liquefaction points are so listed along when they when fisrtliquefied by a chemist. Welcome, Stranger! This negotiations about the rarest of stable enert gases, Xe. It besides tellswhy that in 1962 so many expirements were done affecting this gas. Fisrt itdefines the word gas, and negotiations about different types in about four pages.Thens he talks about how it is combined with flourine to organize a toxicant. Death in the LabratoryHere Asimov negotiations about how scientists have died due to hapless labconditions and other affairs. He besides tells you a few manner to poison youselfin a lab such as blending Xe and flourine. He so goes off and explains howflourine was used and discovered along with who died in this procedure. A fewother toxicant chemical compounds are besides mentioned. To State a ChemistThis is Isaac Asimov # 8217 ; s manner of stating if person is chemist or non. Thetwo inquiries are: ( 1 ) How do you articulate UNIONIZED? and ( 2 ) what is amole? He feels that if you can state un-EYE-on-ized and speak for hours aboutmolecular weight to specify mole, so you must be a chemist.NUCLEAR CHEMISTRYThe Evens Have ItConcluded here is how isotopes are impractical and how to identifythem. He so descibes how an isotope is constructed. besides he says anelement with an even atomic figure is without stable or semi-stable elements, execpt nine elements. Therefore the Earth is of the even/even signifier havingisotopes wtih an even figure of neutrons. ORGANIC CHEMISTRYYou, Too, Can Speak GaelicHere you are given basic instrucions on how to pronouce seventeensylable words. His illustration is para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde ( PA-ruh-dy-METH-il-a-MEE-noh-ben-ZAL-duh-hide ) . He so tells the beginning and development of thedifferent words for methyl and ethyl intoxicant along with there atomic construction. BIOCHEMISTRYThe Haste-makersAsimov negotiations about accelerators and the origins. He tells how a catalystworks and what causes it to. Also, he proves that a catalyst is in no waymagical after having a lecture about this from his editor. In the end catalystare made of enzymes that cause life. Life’s BottleneckThis deals with how man is dumping phosphorus into the ocean due toplumbing. this is mixing up the ocean and the sea floor causing phosphorus tostay at the bottom of ocean instead of circulating. Also, sewage dumping is amajor pollutant for the ocean. The Egg and WeeAsimov talks about and contemplates how all life can be placed in a eggwhich is so small. He ends by talking about the volume and number of atomscertain viruses contain along with who died studying them. That’s LifeExplanations of life are given here. Asimov talks about people theoriesand definitions of life over past years. People tried to say what was living andwhat was dead by definitions that were there own counter example. A lenghtydefinition was presented at the end w ith no loopholes that were detectable.Not as We Know ItCovered here are different posibile backgrounds for sustaining life.Water is the background we live off. The closest he compared is ammonia dueto similarities in water they share. Asimov, a detailed science fiction author,also metions such alterantives as vaporous, metal, energy, and mental beings.These would live in space, energy, stars, hyperspace.GEOCHEMISTRYRecipe for a PlanetThis was written when the united states and the former Soviet Unionwere attempting to drill into the center of the Earth. This project, Mohole,has long since been abandoned. Ideas are presented about possible center ofthe Earth such as iron or olivine (a magnesium iron silicate). The percentagesby wieght are given for the different substance that make up the Earth inthese people’s theories. At the end is a recipe to construct a planet assomewhat of a joke. No More Ice Ages?This deals with the fact that by having coal and oil buring power plants,w e are giving off too much carbon dioxide. That may cause another ice age or aworld wide tropic. It also deals with how nuclear waste from power plants isbeing dispoed of. GENERALThe Noblemen of ScienceIsaac Asimov decided to write this essay after he was called by areporting wanting to know who three frenchmen were that had just won thenobel prize. Since he didn’t know he decided to make a list of all pepople whohad won the nobel preize in the fields of physics, chemistry, and medicine. Healso supplied the country in which each scientist recieved his or herundergradute training. The Isaac WinnersThere are people that Isaac Asimov feel are the best in the field ofscience; so he made The Isaac Winners. This award is named after Isaac Newton(besides who else could it be). Asimov has made a list of seventy – two peoplehe feels are the contedors. Then, after listing and giving a brief descriptionof the canidates, he gives you a list of how many people think in whatlanguage. Most thought in English, while the least thought in Russian. Thenhe list his top ten in alphabetical order giving there religion and nationality..

Review of Current Accounting Issues for Rolls-Royce- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theReview of Current Accounting Issues for Rolls-Royce Audit. Answer: The article that has been selected to achieve the objective of this segment comprises of the Accounting watchdog to investigate KPMG over Rolls-Royce audit. This particular article has been gathered from the Guardian and its date of publication is 4th June 2017. There is availability of various other articles that provide a meaningful insight of the theoretical complexities. However, some audit organisations are engaged in illicit activities, which could negatively influence the stakeholders of the associated organisations (Ball, Grubnic Birchall, 2014). It has been identified that maximum number of organisations are involved in global market operations and their main motto is to improve their overall profitability positions. Various business strategies have been initiated for fulfilling this specific objective in order to attract the investors along with winning their confidence and trust (Bebbington Larrinaga, 2014). As a result, gaining the buoyancy and trust of the investors would help in improving the overall business operations of the global firms. Along with this, the anticipated future cash inflows and growth rates could be enhanced as well. This particular article aims to depict the move of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in reviewing the deal made on the part of Rolls Royce with Serious Fraud Office (SFO) for paying 671 million to clear the corruption-related obligations. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC), which is the UK accounting watchdog, has started to investigate the audit of KPMG associated with Rolls Royc e. This is because the engineering group has been associated to settle a case of bribery in relation to SFO previously in 2017 (Smith, 2017). Rolls Royce has made an agreement, in which it would pay 671 million for clearing the corruption-related allegations pertaining to a deferred prosecution agreement. The overall settlement cost and depreciation in pound value due to the effect of Brexit has resulted in an annual loss of 4.6 billion. This amount is the biggest for the firm in its previous operating years. Due to such cause, FRC has conducted its investigation for reviewing the audit of KPMG pertaining to the financial statements of Rolls Royce between 2010 and 2013. According to the owners of KPMG, the regulators are required to assess the complexities that are associated with the public interest. However, the management of KPMG has demanded that it has performed the audit-related work of Rolls Royce in an effective manner with entire care and due diligence. As a result, the quality of overall audit work has been maintained properly (Chatfield Vangermeersch, 2014). It is noteworthy to mention that KPMG has made an apo logy for providing bribes to the middlemen that have helped the organisation for securing orders in Russia, Indonesia, India, Nigeria and Thailand. For instance, KPMG has made an investment in the form of providing bribes to the middlemen in Thailand for accumulating some contracts (De Lange, Jackling Suwardy, 2015). From the above discussion, the theory related to public interest and the reputational theory could be associated with this specific article. In accordance with the public interest theory, the market fragility is extremely high and it has the motive in ineffective operations for favouring an individual, instead of providing advantage to the whole community (Edwards, 2013). Hence, to monitor this market, there is need for government intervention. According to the profounder of this theory, the regulations are developed in public interest for rectifying the inefficient practices. However, as argued by Ezzamel Xiao (2015), inefficient regulations are inherent from the social perspective and the private players are involved in utilising the same for restricting the rivals to enter into the market. According to the selected article it has been observed that Rolls Royce has provided bribes to the SFO for clearing the corruption-related charges. Due to this, the public interest has been violated, as SFO has laid stress on protecting the overall organisational interest. Along with this, the middlemen of the various above-mentioned nations have taken bribes to ensure the contracts of the organisation. Thus, this could be adjudged as an unethical measure that has been carried out on the part of Rolls Royce in restricting the competitors to enter into the market. Such allegations have resulted in the intervention of the FRC to investigate the matter and it has applied strict norms on the audit firms to disclose and assess the financial statements of the organisations in a pertinent manner (Zeff, 2016). In compliance with the reputational theory, the investors generally prefer dealing with those organisations having strong market reputation with sound financial growth. As laid out by Hassan, Rankin Lu (2014), cost-benefit analysis over greater period would denote that the deceitful actions do not occur to assure the overall interests of the organisation. On the other hand, Hopper Tanima (2016), as this action is for longer timeframe, the deceitful behaviour is probably to reap short-term benefits. In case of Rolls Royce, the organisation has adopted unscrupulous measure with SFO to manage its corruption-related obligations. The foremost motive is to maintain the investors trust for obtaining higher amount of funds in order to undertake capital projects. This is because the capital projects help in ensuring the future growth and expansion of the business in the global markets. From 2010 to 2013, there are misstatements contained in the annual reports of the organisation that have a llowed Rolls Royce in obtaining adequate funds from the investors to undertake new projects. This would result in the overall organisational progress in the short-run. However, because of the allegations pertaining to publicity, it has resulted in record loss for the organisations, since the investors have lost confidence in the organisation. Thus, it could be depicted that the charges filed against Rolls Royce could be similar with the theories of public interest and reputation, which urge the need for strict norms in relation to the audit organisations. Hence, from the above discussion, it could be stated that maximum number of organisations are involved in global market operations and their main motto is to improve their overall profitability positions. Various business strategies have been initiated for fulfilling this specific objective in order to attract the investors along with winning their confidence and trust. As a result, gaining the buoyancy and trust of the investors would help in improving the overall business operations of the global firms. Along with this, the anticipated future cash inflows and growth rates could be enhanced as well. This particular article aims to depict the move of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in reviewing the deal made on the part of Rolls Royce with Serious Fraud Office (SFO) for paying 671 million to clear the corruption-related obligations. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC), which is the UK accounting watchdog, has started to investigate the audit of KPMG associated with Rolls Royc e. This is because the engineering group has been associated to settle a case of bribery in relation to SFO previously in 2017. In addition, it has been found that Rolls Royce has made an agreement, in which it would pay 671 million for clearing the corruption-related allegations pertaining to a deferred prosecution agreement. The overall settlement cost and depreciation in pound value due to the effect of Brexit has resulted in an annual loss of 4.6 billion. This amount is the biggest for the firm in its previous operating years. Due to such cause, FRC has conducted its investigation for reviewing the audit of KPMG pertaining to the financial statements of Rolls Royce between 2010 and 2013. According to the owners of KPMG, the regulators are required to assess the complexities that are associated with the public interest. According to the selected article it has been observed that Rolls Royce has provided bribes to the SFO for clearing the corruption-related charges. Due to this, the public interest has been violated, as SFO has laid stress on protecting the overall organisational interest. Along with this, the middlemen of the various above-mentioned nations have taken bribes to ensure the contracts of the organisation. Thus, this could be adjudged as an unethical measure that has been carried out on the part of Rolls Royce in restricting the competitors to enter into the market. Such allegations have resulted in the intervention of the FRC to investigate the matter and it has applied strict norms on the audit firms to disclose and assess the financial statements of the organisations in a pertinent manner. In compliance with the reputational theory, the investors generally prefer dealing with those organisations having strong market reputation with sound financial growth. In case of Rolls Royce, the organisation has adopted unscrupulous measure with SFO to manage its corruption-related obligations. The foremost motive is to maintain the investors trust for obtaining higher amount of funds in order to undertake capital projects. This is because the capital projects help in ensuring the future growth and expansion of the business in the global markets. From 2010 to 2013, there are misstatements contained in the annual reports of the organisation that have allowed Rolls Royce in obtaining adequate funds from the investors to undertake new projects. Executive Summary: This section of the report aims to assess the proposal related to improvement, which the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) ha implemented for the share-based accounting of employee payment associated with the stock of compensation. Four respondents have been taken into consideration for providing comments on the draft of exposure. The evaluation of this segment denotes that the additional tax benefit and recognition of deficiency in the income statement need not be taken into account. Moreover, the approach of symmetrical equity could be initiated to reduce the expense volatility from the income statement. Introduction: FASB has initiated and suggested different standards of accounting, since it enables the drafts of exposure and comments from different industries and corporate organisations. The proposal under discussion takes into account the standard pertaining to accounting for updating the stock-based compensation having the topic number 718. Specifically, the standard includes Improvements to Non-employee Share-Based Payment Accounting. For ensuring the minimisation of cost, it is required to enhance the non-staff related to share-based payment. However, various complexities are associated with preparing and maintaining the usefulness of information, which is depicted in the financial statements of the organisation (Klychova et al., 2015). Finally, the report would shed light on the different agreed and non-agreed comments regarding the introduction of such standard for enhancing the accounting process to determine the idealness. Proposal: It has been identified that the progress in non-staff share-based accounting of payment is crucial in maintaining the staff sentiments for carrying out the business operations in an effective manner. This standard has put forth various ideas to encourage every organisation for participating in the comment process in order to gain feedback (Kolb, 2014).The FASB has laid forward the changes as questions and the organisations are needed for commenting on the same to accumulate their views. In addition to this, the organisations are required to provide comments on such questions, which are associated directly to the overall operations of the business. The few questions of the standard constitute of tax deficiencies and benefits, cost and complexity along with maintaining information inherent in the financial statements. Furthermore, they include the association between the additional benefits of tax and inflows of cash, permission for the corporations in undertaking the election related to accounting policy, procedure of tax payment and proposed business expansion. By accumulating the feedbacks, the usefulness of these changes could be ascertained for the overall economy (Wang, Lee Crumbley, 2016). Debate so far: The answers that have been accumulated from the selected four respondents are explained briefly as follows: Heiskell and MacGillivray and Associates: It is an accounting as well auditing organisation in Australia and it has enabled the eradication of accounting PIC tool for reducing the overall cost level and problem in the accounting procedure. In addition, it has agreed to take into account the expense of compensation in the statement of comprehensive income, which requires the implementation of tax benefits and deficits (Wilkinson Durden, 2015). In relation to the third question associated with the classification of tax cash flow, it agrees that such actions could be taken into account as an operational activity. Hence, the organisation has made an agreement with all the changes that has been proposed on the part of FASB, as these questions are in tandem with the public interest and the accounting standard is critical for both the organisations and staffs (Martin Roychowdhury, 2015). Raytheon Company: Raytheon Company is a popular innovation and technology-based organisation, which has created its brand image in the international market. This organisation is specialised widely for defence technologies, security tools and software pertaining to the civil market. The organisation is based on US and the main motive is to develop effective practices related to corporate governance. The firm has provided answers to the questions 2, 3 and 5 inherent in the draft of exposure. However, it has disagreed with Heiskell and MacGillivary and Associates regarding the identification of additional tax benefits and deficiencies in the statement of comprehensive income. Instead, it has supported the approach related to symmetrical equity for obtaining pertinent outcomes (Quattrone, 2015). The reason behind this is that such recognition would fulfil only the public interest by not taking into consideration the overall organisational interest. Along with this, there would not be any similarity with t he capture theory. On the other hand, it has agreed that the operational activity would include the taxable cash flows and the preserved amount could be allowed to the highest applicable marginal tax rate (May, 2013). Visa Inc: This organisation is an international leader associated with online payment technology and its aim is to enhance the global method of payment-related transactions. It has been analysed that the changes would fetch certain advantages; however, the organisation has disagreed with the detection of surplus tax benefits and deficiencies in the statement of comprehensive income (Messner et al., 2016). These changes would minimise the problems for the maximum number of organisations; however, the expense volatility associated with income tax might be increased. Therefore, these changes fulfil the public interest and the company interest rather than the rejected one. American Bankers Association: This is a corporation, in which the bank participants function in USA and they tend to increase the entire system of banking and operational activities. The organisation has disagreed with all changes of FASB; however, it has contrasted the identification of excess tax benefits and deficiencies in the statement of comprehensive income. The reason that the associated has shown its disagreement is that it would result in variations in the compensation expenses and financial statements. Therefore, according to this association, most of the recommendations would be beneficial to ensure private interest as well as public interest (Meyer et al., 2013). Significance of the proposal: The above proposal is necessary in improving the process of stock-based compensation of the organisations that operate globally. It has aimed to increase the development of the financial statements coupled with minimisation of the pressure of cash payments and accountants associated with the tax holding employers. The initial issue detected in the proposal is the identification of surplus tax benefits and deficiencies in the statement of comprehensive income of the organisation. The main reason behind this is that it would enable in assuring the total public interest for improving the economy (Miller Power, 2013). However, it is necessary to assure private interest coupled with improving the validity of the proposal, although there has been full achievement of the public interest. Conclusion: It has been found that FASB has initiated and suggested different standards of accounting, since it enables the drafts of exposure and comments from different industries and corporate organisations. The proposal under discussion takes into account the standard pertaining to accounting for updating the stock-based compensation having the topic number 718. Specifically, the standard includes Improvements to Non-employee Share-Based Payment Accounting. For ensuring the minimisation of cost, it is required to enhance the non-staff related to share-based payment. However, various complexities are associated with preparing and maintaining the usefulness of information, which is depicted in the financial statements of the organisation. Finally, the report has shed light on the different agreed and non-agreed comments regarding the introduction of such standard for enhancing the accounting process to determine the idealness. In relation to the third question associated with the classification of tax cash flow, Heiskell and MacGillivary and Associates agrees that such actions could be taken into account as an operational activity. Hence, the organisation has made an agreement with all the changes that has been proposed on the part of FASB, as these questions are in tandem with the public interest and the accounting standard is critical for both the organisations and staffs. However, Raytheon Company has disagreed with Heiskell and MacGillivary and Associates regarding the identification of additional tax benefits and deficiencies in the statement of comprehensive income. Instead, it has supported the approach related to symmetrical equity for obtaining pertinent outcomes. The reason behind this is that such recognition would fulfil only the public interest by not taking into consideration the overall organisational interest. Along with this, there would not be any similarity with the capture theory. On th e other hand, it has agreed that the operational activity would include the taxable cash flows and the preserved amount could be allowed to the highest applicable marginal tax rate. According to the above discussion, it has been found out that Heiskell and MacGillivray and Associates has made an agreement with each modification laid out on the part of FASB. However, there has been disagreement amongst the other respondents with the detection of surplus tax benefits and deficiencies in the statement of comprehensive income of the organisation. The reason identified behind this is that it might increase the expense volatility pertaining to income tax. Hence, it could be inferred that it is of utmost importance for FASB to ensure public interest and improving the reliability of the proposal, although it enables in achieving the overall public interest. References: Ball, A., Grubnic, S. Birchall, J. (2014). 11 Sustainability accounting and accountability in the public sector.Sustainability accounting and accountability, 176. Bebbington, J. Larrinaga, C. (2014). Accounting and sustainable development: An exploration.Accounting, Organizations and Society,39(6), 395-413. Chatfield, M. Vangermeersch, R. (2014).The history of accounting (RLE accounting): an international encylopedia. Routledge. De Lange, P., Jackling, B. Suwardy, T. (2015). Continuing professional development in the accounting profession: practices and perceptions from the Asia Pacific Region.Accounting Education,24(1), 41-56. Edwards, J.R. (2013).A History of Financial Accounting (RLE Accounting)(Vol. 29). Routledge. Ezzamel, M. Xiao, J.Z. (2015). The development of accounting regulations for foreign invested firms in China: The role of Chinese characteristics.Accounting, Organizations and Society,44, 60-84. Hassan, E.A., Rankin, M. Lu, W. (2014). The development of accounting regulation in Iraq and the IFRS adoption decision: an institutional perspective.The International Journal of Accounting,49(3), 371-390. Hopper, T. Tanima, F. (2016). Accounting in less developed countries retrospectively and prospectively. Klychova, G.S., Fakhretdinova, E.N., Klychova, A.S. Antonova, N.V. (2015). Development of accounting and financial reporting for small and medium-sized businesses in accordance with international financial reporting standards.Asian Social Science,11(11), 318. Kolb, D.A. (2014).Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press. Martin, X. Roychowdhury, S. (2015). Do financial market developments influence accounting practices? Credit default swaps and borrowers? reporting conservatism.Journal of Accounting and Economics,59(1), 80-104. May, G.O. (2013).Financial accounting. Read Books Ltd. Messner, M., Becker, A., Schffer, U. Binder, C. (2016). Struggles for legitimacy and identity: the development of Germanic management accounting research.Research Gate, 1-38. Meyer, R.E., Hllerer, M.A., Jancsary, D. Van Leeuwen, T. (2013). The visual dimension in organizing, organization, and organization research: Core ideas, current developments, and promising avenues.Academy of Management Annals,7(1), 489-555. Miller, P. Power, M. (2013). Accounting, organizing, and economizing: Connecting accounting research and organization theory.Academy of Management Annals,7(1), 557-605 Quattrone, P. (2015). Governing social orders, unfolding rationality, and Jesuit accounting practices: A procedural approach to institutional logics.Administrative Science Quarterly,60(3), 411-445. Smith, M. (2017).Research methods in accounting. Sage. Wang, J., Lee, G. Crumbley, D.L. (2016). Current Availability of Forensic Accounting Education and State of Forensic Accounting Services in Hong Kong and Mainland China.Journal of Forensic Investigative Accounting,8(3). Wilkinson, B.R. Durden, C.H. (2015). Inducing structural change in academic accounting research.Critical Perspectives on Accounting,26, 23-36. Zeff, S.A. (2016).Forging accounting principles in five countries: A history and an analysis of trends. Routledge.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay Essay Example

The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay Essay In this essay I will show my apprehension of stigma and labelling. There are certain people who are stigmatised and substance users frequently have a negative stereotype. This negativeness will frequently non let the substance user to seek the aid and medical intervention that they need due to the stigma and labelling. I will be discoursing the research around the impacts of stigma and labelling that will impact non merely their intervention but in lodging and employment. The term stigma originates from the ancient Greek word and signifies that he or she could be a slave, condemnable or treasonist and was used as a mark of shame and shame. It is now used to depict people who are stereotyped because of their societal individuality ( Pierson A ; Thomas, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Goffman, when a individual is non able to run into outlooks because their behavior or properties are unwanted or unacceptable, so stigma disqualifies a individual from societal credence. Goffman suggests that stigma is, an unwanted property that is incongruous with our stereotype of what a given person should be Goffmam ( 1963:3 ) . Stigma is a usage of negative labels and is about discourtesy. It is non merely a affair of utilizing the incorrect word but labels that individual who has the substance usage upset. Stigma consequences in favoritism and maltreatment and is damaging to the lives of many people. The fright of stigma discourages households and many persons from acquir ing the support and intervention that they may necessitate to take normal healthy life styles. Stigma deprives people their full engagement into society which so reinforces negative stereotypes ( Goffman, 1968 ) . The manner of get bying with stigma is to hide behaviors and internalise these negative positions and as a consequence will be capable to favoritism and exclusion within many countries. Drug jobs will stay entrenched if substance users are seen as drug addicts . Landlords will be loath to allow out their belongingss and employers will be wary of giving them occupations. Employment and lodging are of import to substance users as it can be critical in set uping themselves back into society ( UKDPC, 2008 ) . Research surveies show that 80 % of drug users are unemployed. Bing employed is shown to be an of import constituent into the reintegration into society. Once in work, it will assist in constructing their self-pride and back into normal life ( UKDPC, 2008 ) . Family mem bers feel shame and stop swearing them and in some instances, disown him/her. Community s will thumb point , seek to avoid contact and will dish the dirt about them. Many would reason that society s disapproval of drug usage ; particularly hemp and diacetylmorphine will state stigma is necessary to show disapproval ( UKDPC, 2010 ) . Stigma can besides do the substance user stigmatize themselves, do them experience entirely, rejected and destruct their self-pride. Seeking aid is really hard for the substance user and will forestall them from making so. They will frequently experience that discontinuing would be no usage and returning to normal life would be impossible because people in society will no longer swear them and so will fall in in with other drug users, start condemnable activities to pay for their usage and accepting the incrimination of society ( UKDPC, 2010 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Role Of Stigma And Labelling Social Work Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Stigma discourages households and persons from acquiring the support and intervention they require. Families suffer the impact when another household member has a drug usage ( UKDPC, 2009 ) and it alters all their societal invitations and friends that they one time had. Other household members will frequently retreat and kids will frequently be targeted by toughs. Stigma deprives people of their full interaction into society. The UK Drug Policy Commission ( UKDPC ) suggests that 1.5 Million people in the UK are affected by a relations drug usage. Supportive relationships are cardinal to a successful recovery. Carers UK commissioned a survey which estimated that carers in the UK made a part of ?87 billion in entire economic value in one twelvemonth. This may hold excluded many who have non come frontward with get bying with a relation who has a drug job but this gives us some indicant of the societal part probably to be made by the back uping households ( DrugScope/Adfam, 2009 ) . The drug user must hold finding and religion in making their ends and there will likely be reverses and barriers but with the support and part of societal workers, support groups, household and friends, this will assist towards the recovery procedure ( HM Government, 2010 ) . Families and relationships are cardinal issues for recovery and drug users improve when their household is behind them. They are more than probably to finish intervention and keep their new life styles ( Best A ; Laudet, 2010 ) . DrugScope published research in 2009 by questioning a random sample of over 1000 people aged 18 plus. The research published showed that one in five grownups had a personal experience of drug usage, either direct or indirect. The findings where: 19 % have personal experience of drug dependence either straight or among household or friends ; 1 in 10 grownups have a friend who has experience of drug dependence ; 1 in 20 have experienced drug dependence in their household ; 1 in 50 has personal experience of drug dependence. 77 % agree investing in drug intervention is reasonable usage of authorities money . The canvass found that 19 % either had direct or indirect personal experience of a household member or cognizing person within their circle of friends. 11 % were likely to hold a friend who has experienced drug dependence. 6 % had household members who were drug dependent, yet 2 % experienced the drug dependence themselves. These figures do propose that drug abuse and the dependence do impact many people s lives and is a societal job ( DrugScope, 2009 ) . Stigma to substance users will perchance do dependence recovery and intervention more hard. Substance users frequently manage in secret and would instead non seek out the intervention and unrecorded in denial. The University of Nevada studied 197 drug users on the affects of stigmatisation. This research identified that because of the usage of stigma they would go more dependent on their drug usage due to the perceived negativeness that the society had on drug users. 60 % of drug users in this survey felt that they were treated otherwise after people knew that they were a drug user. 46 % felt that others became afraid of them one time they found out and 45 % felt that their households gave up on them and wanted nil more to make with them. 38 % of their friends had rejected them and eventually, 14 % of employers paid a lower pay ( Addiction, 2010 ) . Users have no good ground to halt utilizing when you look at this research survey. This research identifies that stigma is conceptuality alone. Drug users besides had a more hard clip in intervention at wining when there were higher degrees of stigma. The survey besides showed that drug users frequently cope in secret due to their inability to openly discourse their dependence ; this caused hapless mental wellness and decreased their opportunities of recovery. By cut downing shame the society could assist in driving frontward in assisting the intervention of drug users who are non coming frontward due to stigma ( Addiction, 2010 ) . Stigmatizing is non merely found amongst the populace but besides by the professionals who may be working straight with them. Professionals, such as physicians and nurses, who work straight with drug users, will hold a greater penetration into the jobs that drug users face on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing. Miller et Al ( 2001 ) mentioned in UKDPC ( 2010:30 ) summarised research from the USA which showed an addition in negativity towards drug users. Two surveies of the intervention of jobs with drug users and drinkers both in the inmate attention and safety net exigency section showed that negative positions during preparation, continued when they became qualified and working within their pattern ( UKDPC, 2010 ) . Stigma between wellness professionals and the drug user will forestall them from seeking aid and may be one of the grounds as to why the drug user will non seek out the aid or medical intervention that they require ( Kelly A ; Westerhoff, 2010 ) . Everyone knows that it is incorrect to know apart, whether it is because of their race, civilization or faith. Substance usage is really common and is widely misunderstood. It is indispensable that we learn about the individual and dainty with self-respect and regard. This will so assist in stressing their abilities ( Mental Health and Recovery Board, 2009 ) . Public attitudes to drug dependence were explored in the UK in 2002 ( Luty A ; Grewal, 2002 ) . Results showed that 28 % regarded drug users as holding a mental wellness job. 38 % assumed that drug users were felons and 78 % to be fallacious and undependable. 30 % said that they deserved the bad luck that fell upon them. 62 % thought that the jurisprudence were excessively soft on drug users and 40 % believed that their kids should be taken into attention. It was concluded by Luty and Grewal, 2002, the consequences clearly indicate a negative position of drug nuts ( Luty A ; Grewal, 2002:94 ) . Yet, DrugScope in 2009 wanted to happen out the attitudes of the public towards drug users and drug intervention. They commissioned a canvass and the findings suggest that the populace to be really sympathetic than sometimes frequently assumed. 80 % of the people surveyed agreed that people can go addicted to drugs because of other jobs within their life . 35 % agreed that it was the persons mistake for drug usage and that there is no alibi. A big sum of respondents 88 % agreed that for the drug user to acquire back on path, they needed aid and support and 77 % holding that the investing of authorities money towards drug intervention is reasonable. This research showed a sympathetic response of the bulk of the people surveyed. Drug users are the most marginalised people in society where favoritism and stigma are cardinal into the barriers of having recovery. Two tierces in a recent canvass showed that employers would non use anyone with history of drug usage, even though they were suited for the occupation. Stigma and favoritism still remains a barrier to recovery and will clearly impact of them happening work. It will besides impact being housed suitably and accessing the health care that they need ( DrugScope, 2009 ) The things that we can make as practicians in assisting to get the better of the stigmatization is to hold a better apprehension of how hard it is for people to alter who may hold low self-efficacy. First feelings count and for a substance user, coming through the door is difficult plenty. The substance user will hold come because they are in a crisis and has realised it is clip for alteration ( Lecture Notes, 2012 ) . As societal workers we have to gain that prosecuting with the substance user will assist in the first stairss to recovery and aid in constructing relationships. Building regard and trust will forestall misinterpretations that may take to conflict. Having good communicating accomplishments is effectual and at the bosom of societal work. It is merely through our communicating accomplishments that we are able to understand the cognition of others and work efficaciously ( Trevithick, 2009 ) . It is of import to pass on as it helps in interchanging our ideas and feelings an d in organizing the foundation of a good relationship. Communication allows you to assist the substance user to be more receptive to the new thoughts by making an environment that they can swear and assist in developing declarations. To hold an unfastened and honest relationship, trust is of import in wining this. An understanding ideally should be met with the substance user about confidentiality. They have a right to cognize who will be able to entree any information about them ( Koprowska, 2010 ) . Motivational Interviewing is a good known theoretical account developed by William Miller in 1982. It is a theoretical account used with people to arouse alteration, particularly people who have debatable substance abuse. Motivational interviewing is a client-centred guidance manner and helps the service user to make their determinations about possible behavior alteration ( Nelson, 2012 ) . This theoretical account helps in placing and understanding the substance user s motive to alter and foreground to the client their sensed negatives and benefits of alteration. The rules of motivational interviewing are to show empathy, develop disagreement by assisting the client in increasing their consciousness of the effects of their behavior. Avoiding debate as it is them who are the expert. Roll with opposition by promoting the client to develop their ain statements. Resistance is normal if you are uncomfortable about something and in conclusion self efficaciousness by foregrounding the acco mplishments and the alterations they have already made ( Lecture Notes, 2012 ) . Measuring motive with the substance user and happening out at which stages they may be will assist in me placing where the substance user is in their dependence. A good known theoretical account called the rhythm of alteration developed by DiClemente and Prochaska ( 1982 ) represents the point at which the substance user base on ballss during their alteration in behavior. The different phases are: Pre-Contemplation, this is where the service user has no desire to alter. Contemplation, this is where the service user may be sing their state of affairs and is more cognizant of it. Preparation is where the service user makes a determination to alter their substance abuse. Action and this is where the service user takes stairss in conveying about alteration. Care is where they have stopped utilizing the drugs and moved to a more controlled and less harmful manner of utilizing and is keeping that alteration. Backsliding is where the service user will travel back to their old behavior and will hold to get down the Cycle of Change once more ( Teater, 2011:122 ) . The substance user may steal back or backsliding in to their old behavior because lasting behavior is really hard to alter, peculiarly with people who want to do alteration in substance abuse. This is really hard and may take several efforts ( Nelson, 2012 ) . Motivational interviewing will assist the substance user move through the phases of alteration. Having good active hearing accomplishment is of import and will assist in doing the substance user feel that he/she is being helped. Many people will experience encouraged when they have been genuinely listened to without break and will frequently go bucked up and empowered ( New Jersey Self-Help Group Clearinghouse ) . A good hearer allows the individual to acquire their ain narratives and sentiments across, which active hearing will let them to make so. If you interrupt, the individual will experience that they may non hold been listened to. They will non experience respected and may keep information through being cautious. It is of import to let them to cognize that you were listening and will assist in promoting them to go on speaking. Leaning frontward, keeping oculus contact will besides demo them you are interested in what they have to state ( MindTools, 2012 ) . You have to retrieve to non allow environmental factors distract you as this could do you lose focal point. Giving the substance user your undivided attending and acknowledge what they are stating. Using organic structure linguistic communication either by nodding on occasion, smiling and promoting the talker to go on by stating verbal remarks, such as yes and go on will promote the talker to go on by cognizing you are listening. Giving positive feedback by rephrasing e.g. What I am hearing is and It sounds like you are stating , are good ways of reflecting back and aid in clear uping certain points that the substance user may hold said and helps towards acquiring more background information. Paraphrasing besides helps in leting yourself to truly understand what has been said and helps the substance user know that they have been heard und understood right ( Koprowska, 2010 ) . Having the three nucleus conditions of guidance of empathy, regard and congruity will assist to heighten the substance user s motive to alter. Empathy allows seting you in another individual s places and holding a be tter apprehension of their feelings and emotions. You must disregard your ain perceptual experience of the state of affairs and accept their feelings and ideas. By making this does non intend that you accept the behavior they are making but means that you understand them. Congruity allows you to be yourself and that you are merely human and a existent individual. This will assist in cut downing the emphasis the substance user may hold. Having regard is accepting the individual for who they are irrespective of what the individual says or does. When others have perchance made that individual experience negative, it is really difficult for them to experience positive. Showing the substance user regard will demo willingness that you want to work with them, which will let them to turn assurance ( Trevithick, 2009 ) . Change is hard, so it is normal for the substance user to experience ambivalent. Using the Decisional Balance will assist in placing the positives and negatives of their behavior. If you are traveling to alter, you need a ground to and people change when the positives outweigh the negatives. We ever have to be cognizant of the short term or long term hazard factors including their degree of use and what type of drugs they are utilizing ( Miller A ; Rollnick, 2002 ) . Motivational interviewing helps the substance user in placing the importance of their behavior alteration and besides helps the practician aid in making so by heightening their motive. This theoretical account works good alongside the cycle of alteration as it is utile to measure where the substance user may be in their rhythm of alteration and aid in placing the schemes you may utilize ( Nelson, 2012 ) . In decision, if a individual does non conform to societal stereotypes, they are more than probably to be marginalised and bear stigma. Peoples with substance abuse are of all types and come from different backgrounds ( Pycroft, 2010 ) . Working with persons who are sing substance usage, it is of import to stay focused. Supplying changeless feedback and offering support will assist in prosecuting the drug user towards work outing the crisis the substance user may hold. Having a non-judgemental attitude underpins societal work along with empathy and protagonism ( Trevithick, 2009 ) . Peoples with substance abuse are frequently viewed as less worthy and meriting. Stigmatization can do bias, marginalization, favoritism and subjugation and is frequently reinforced by the media and even our ain households ( Theory and pattern, 2011 ) . Peoples who substance usage are frequently stigmatised and experience shameful of it and can go on if the substance user has had several efforts. When you a re ashamed of something and you unwrap it, it is really difficult particularly if you re diffident as to how the other individual is traveling to react. It is of import for myself to reflect upon my ain value base and biass that I may hold. Referances All about Addiction ( 2010 ) Addiction Stigma: devising dependence recovery, and dependence intervention entry, even harder. ( accessed 16 November 2012 ) Best, D, . Laudet, A. B. ( 2010 ) The potency of recovery capital, Royal Society of Arts. 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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Alexandria Healthcare Essay

Alexandria Healthcare Essay Alexandria Healthcare Essay Alexandria Neighborhood Health Services, Inc. Making a Difference at the Arlandria Health Center OUR MISSION ANHSI, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, manages the Arlandria Health Center to provide accessible, coordinated, community based primary health care, including behavioral health and oral health, to people in Alexandria and surrounding communities. OUTCOMES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2011 12,998 individuals received services 42,938 health care visits were held 2,658 unduplicated children, ages 0 to 19, were served through 8,670 visits 10,340 unduplicated adult patients were served through 34,268 health care visits 961 patients received dental care through 1,417 visits 593 patients received mental health counseling through 2,136 visits 907 individuals received family support services through 2,646 visits 921 children were enrolled in public health insurance 96% immunization rate for children 2 years of age 4,227 medication requests were processed for 1,456 patients with a value of $1,824,160 in Average Wholesale Price OUR VISION Everyone in our community has access to comprehensive and affordable health services resulting in a healthier population and improved quality of life. OUR SERVICES Newborn, Infant and Well Child Exams Pediatric Sick Visits Women’s Health and Gynecology Family Planning General Medicine Routine Physical Exams Immunizations for Children and Adults Acute Illness Care Chronic Illness Care Mental Health Counseling Family Support and Case Management Services Prenatal Case Management Dental Care Access to Discounted and Free Medications Health, Nutrition and Parenting Education Enrollment in Health Insurance (Children & Pregnant Women) Alexandria Neighborhood Health Services, Inc. Making a Difference in Our Neighborhoods! Board Executive Committee Gene Kendall, Jr., President Charles Konigsberg,